Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Transmutation Christmas

(c) Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

Planet Earth....a multicolored beam is beaming into the Earth, drilling its way toward the central point...the singularity, which created this planet, and maintains its resources. The colored beam drills relentlessly toward its objective.

Andy and Melissa Dowry are both archeologists; they have been working this remote, and isolate area, in the Himilayans, for almost two weeks. They are seeking the outpost of the star race, known only as the Servo-Protectors, a name only found on certain cave walls, in small countries, around the world.

Andy and Melissa have been studying these symbols on walls for a year...they feel they have decipered the messages, and all say the oupost of the Servo-Protectors is to be found in the Himilayas, at or near, the spot they're at, at this moment.

The symbols told other stories to, like the enemies of the Servo-Protectors were the: 1. Assassins of the Soul- a paranormal group, who used all kinds of mental, psychic methods to accomplish their goals, 2. The Ninja, the silent assassins, all three groups have not been seen, but Andy and Melissa were under no illusion...hidden sects...were likely still they had to be careful in their search. Besides, as the Servo-Protectors were Guardians of the Light; these other two were emissaries of the Dark. Both returned, when the events led to their being able to step back into this timeline.

At this moment, Andy and Melissa are walking down a caveway; they had found the day before...leading to the Servo-Protector Outpost, hopefully. Out of the silence, except for their walking, one of the walkie talkies goes off, and in front of them, a wall gives away, staring them in the face, is a unique outpost, but whether its the Servo-Protector, is still to be determined. They walk into the huge space holding the outpost.

They are nearing the buildings, when they run into a force field; they reach out to touch it- and are trapped. They struggle to break free, without luck.

A millenium in the past, Syrno watches, as the two archeologoists reach out and touch the force field, then not being able to break free; he smiles, when the time is ripe, for finding heroes, they're always found...he turns on the Mutator. Instantly, Andy and Melissa are unconscious, and stay that way for seven days, as the outpost, transforms them into the new race...the Servo-Proctectors. They get all the Servo-Protectors before them knew, used, and created, with critical thinking, and vast creative intellect added to expand their own.

The seventh day find them feeding on longer needing food... they are as fresh and healthy as they had been, when they began the process, but much more so...they were disease free; their bodyminds were supple energy flows, with no one energy as their common race, but they simply adapted to the planet they're on, whatever shape that might happen to be.

The Mutator shuts down; the force field lets them go, they fall, but are caught up in a bubble energy, for the next three days, they're fed vast amounts of knowledge, that is instantly, made into spirit and memory, their intelligence, creative, work ability, sensory talents, abilities and skills are supersized.

The third day, the bubble comes to the ground, having been hovering above it, all this time; they themselves have been pure energy, sets them down gently, then disappears. their naked feet touch the earth, and with white light, they take on human bodies, with proper clothing encasing them.

They open their eyes...pure white, it goes to gold, then to green. They are totally human, once again.

They look at each other, then race toward the central building of the outpost...they go up to the communication center, and turn on the sphere broadcasting energy shaper. Instantly, they are wherever there is a human....They bypass speech...each human, on the earth, hears their telepathic message:

" The Earth is going to attacked and destroyed in 24 hours...all life forms on the planet will be shaped to a new planet, for a waiting area, till the planet is saved...before the humans and all other life forms could digest this information, they're gone...and reappear in vast biospheres, which instantly freezes them. All life forms of Earth, are now frozen, and waiting for the Servo- Protectors, to bring them back to Earth.

It is Christmas Eve...the multi-colored beam hits toward the singularity of the Earth, only to rebound, stopped from being able to finish its program.

On Mars, The Assassins of the Soul, ready for their nemesis, for it's only they, who could have stopped their beam. It isn't a long wait.

The Twins appear in the biosphere of the Assassins of the Soul, who immediately use both weaponry and telepathic attack, to launch a full scale battle, to kill these old enemies.

Andy takes the weaponry, and Melissa takes the telepaths; Andy disintegrates all the weaponry, and then shields himself, from the old weaponry, knocking out the warriors using them.

Melissa puts a shield around herself, then counters the telepathic attack, waiting for the right comes soon, the telepaths seeing they're not able to penetrate her shield, come together and form a one mind battleforge; they turn to strike, but don't get the chance. Melissa strikes, because of the Assassins group think and do, their power is cut more than half; she takes them all out, instantly. They fall to the ground.

Andy and Melissa come back together; look at all the assassins, and they're gone. They disappear, and the biosphere disappears as well.

Andy and Melissa reappear in the outpost; they raise themselves off the Earth, becoming pure, flowing energies; they reach out and all the life forms of Earth are back to where they were, with one big difference, the Earth is no longer a free planet. It will, with the help of the Servo-Protectors, negotiate what can and be done, to its resources.

It is a true Christmas, for the life of Earth, and the Planet Earth...a new day arising.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Christmans Stories- 2 Destruction Christmas

(c) Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

Destruction Christmas: A Story

Destruction Christmas

Terry Floyd Johnson
(c) Terry Floyd Johnson, 2007
Chimmer City is one of those cities, which say they are on the outskirts of another town, place, etc.. Chimmer City is on the edge of a mighty village, called Los Angeles, CA. It is in the more southern part of LA County. It has approximately, 55,000 townspeople, mostly families and housing developments, but there are some sections, that have the feeling of green neighborhoods, dotted with Craftsman and Art Deco Cottages and Homes. Most drive into other parts of LA County or San Diego County to work. They consider themselves not suburbites, but New Freedomists; freedom from the awfulness of the City of Los Angeles and its many more not so nice suburb cities.
Chimmer City has 3 high schools, but the one seen not as good as the others is Chimmer High. This false accusation is made mostly by the other schoos, who are jealous of Chimmer High. Chimmer High seemed to excel at everything they do; to the anger of their competition. It is in fact a wonderful school, except for one time period during the school year, and that period is the most wonderful time of the year- Christmas. At this time, most of the students become Scrooges and Doubters; that is, all but the Doll Crew.
The Doll Crew is made up of the most beautiful, talented, and intelligent young women in the school:
Angie Dewight- is dark haired, with green eyes, and a lovely figure- at sixteen, she is working toward being a top notched fashion designer. She already designs clothes that other girls in the school order and buy before she can get them made. She has studied Exercise Yoga for three years, and martial arts for 10 years.
Canyun Decore- is blond, with violet eyes, and a figure to die for, she, too, is sixteen; she is the actress in the Dolls; She loves the grit and gore of the stage; the wonder of film, and the greatness of documentaries, which she now has one in production. She has studied martial arts for ten years, with Angie; they both are 3rd degree black belts. She wants to model and has already done some covers and other modeling.
Satche Collins- is beautiful, loves to swim, has a great tan year around, blue eyes, red hair and a gorgeous body. Satche is a writer and has already had a novel published, about her and her friends. She loves romantic comedy. She's the best sewer of the network, so she helps Angie alot. She plays guitar, keyboards, harmonica, piano, and is a super singer, too, this helps her career, because she wants to be a rock and roll singer/musician.
Adala Freebej- has dark hair, black eyes, a beautiful, curveous body and a strong sense of humor; she wants to be a standup comedian and film star. She is a bad-assed drummer, and is a great singer. She's a grade A student.
Then their is their Mascot- Dell Cougar- football player; interests in geology and survival training, and makes guitars.
The Doll Crew call him their Good Luck Charm!
He is kidded about his Mascot status at school, but every other boy and girl would love to be in the unique spot he has with the Doll Crew.
Christmas is a very special time of the year for the Doll Crew- they absolutely love it- and they are ardent believers in Santa Claus.
They are kidded about it unmercifully, but they simply laugh, and look at the michief makers with the look of someone having to put up with someone not quite right in the mind.
This makes their friends laugh even more. The teachers just scratch their heads; it is unheard of, for teenagers to still love Santa Claus; but the Doll Crew are adamant about their love for him.
The Doll Crew met at Angies house after school- its Friday night. Angies mother provided everything; she is more than grateful that her daughter and her friends didn't go our carousing, over this, the start of Christmas vacation. She piled on the eats, drinks and desserts, and then kept out of the way, but she would come by every once in a while to listen to her daughter and her friends discuss many things.
Angies house is the only one with an open circle fireplace; so its a natural place to meet. It's located on her patio, which is screened in, so bugs aren't a problem. Tonight, though, they decided to have a false fire, so they wouldn't be distracted. Distracted from what you might ask- the beautiful story that Canyun told about her adventure with Santa Claus.
Angie welcomed all of her friends to her home and their Friday Night Blast, when everyone is there, they go out onto the patio, where along with the refreshments- there is a boombox, TV, DVD player and a dance area.
Before they get to Canyun's story and adventure; they all dig into the refreshments, then gather around the firepit, get comfortable, then turn to Canyun. Angie's mother makes a place for herself, near the patio door, so she could listen to this story, too.
Canyun cleared her throat, then began her story:
She had been ten; her parents divorce had just become final, and the glow of Christmas was a dull ache color in her eyes. She was very sad, even her dolls couldn't cheer her up.She knew her friends were concerned about her; and to top it off, she had a miserable headache. Her friends could onlylet her know that if she needed them; they would be available immediately.
She was sitting, out of the way, watching people look at and buy Christmas trees, when she began to feel dizzy. The people who ran the Christmas Tree lot loved her, and watched out for her, especially, since these headaches and dizziness had increased over the last year.
She never knew when she blacked out, but the next thing she knew she was waking up in a strange bed, with a beautiful, loving woman standing beside it. The woman is dressed in red and white.
" Where am I? " Canyun asked the woman.
" You're at our home; you are very sick; you have an anyerism; it was about to break or burst; you might not have recovered from it, but Father brought you here, so we can help you. "
" Where is here:" Canyun asked completely confused.
" The North Pole. "
Canyun tried to sit up, but her head wouldn't let her.
" I'm at Santa Claus's house. And your Mrs. Santa Claus. Where are the elves? "
" Outside. They are very worried about you; you are one of their favorites- you know. You stick up for Santa so strongly, " Mrs. Caus smiled, indulgently.
:" Great Sticks. I'm at Santa's house! " Canyun laughed, beside herself.
" Yes, Santa will be in a moment with a very special elf tea; you must drink it all, it will make you all better. "
" I will, " Canyun promised, who could not do what Santa asked.
She yawned. Mrs. Claus leaned down and put her hand to her forehead, and she fell into a deep sleep.
This time when she woke up; Santa himself, was standing by her bed. He was holding a steaming mug of what must be elf tea, that Mrs. Claus had been telling her about.
" Hello, Canyun. How are you feeling? " Santa asked, merrily.
Canyun looked inside her; she felt wonderful.
" I feel wonderful. Is that the tea that Mrs. Claus said would help me? "
" Can you keep a secret, Canyun: " Santa asked, with a twinkle in his eye.
" Yes. "
" The tea is just to refresh you; it is Mrs Claus who made your aliment go away. She has the healing touch; a great partner for Santa Claus, don't you think? "
Canyun, her eyes with wonder, could only nod her head; Mrs Claus had truly given her the best Christmas gift ever.
Santa hands her the mug of elf tea; she drinks slowly because it's hot, but from the moment it touched her tongue, her head cleared and she felt amazing energy rushing throughout her body.
She looked up at Santa.
" Would you like to see Santa's Workshop now? " Santa asked her.
She couldn't speak again; she could only nod vigorously.
Santa laughed. He held out his hand; she took it, and they were at Santa's Workshop; the most exciting wonder of Santa's workshop- is the elves. They immediately quit working; and clapped and cheered for her. She blushed, but she loved every second of it.
One elf came up and handed her a clear globe, but when it touched her hand, it gave off a wonder light and smell of friendship, love and great fun. It is wonderful.
The elves took over from Santa; they show her the whole workshop. At every section she is given something liquid to drink; she never gets full; plus, she gets to have a beautiful glow all around her.
She is most amazed, when they show her the WaveSpace, at the far end of the workshop; where all the toys are stored in a little box, but it's a WaveSpace box, and it can hold most anything.
The elves brought her back to Santa, Mrs. Claus had joined him. They give her a mug of hot chocolate, she yawns and closes her eyes...
She opens her eyes with a start; Asen, the Christmas Tree lot manager, is bending down over her, very concerned about her. She can see it in his face; but she laughs and tells him she is fine, very fine, and what had been wrong with her- is now gone. He looks at her in wonder, for she shines, with the glory and beauty of the Christmas Spirit. She gets up and heads home.
She came running into the house; her mother didn't even scold her, she's just thankful, her daughter is feeling happy and strong, today. Canyun told her mother about her adventure; her mother contacted her peditrician, and takes her to the Doctor, to see how her health, really is. The Doctor ran her tests; and said, she's in better health, than anyone, she has ever seen. How did this happen? Her mother says the Christmas Spirit; she and Canyun are laughing as they leave the Doctor's office.
When Canyun's mother had puts her to sleep; she goes into the living room, where the Christmas tree is standing glowingly. She says what's in her heart, to Santa and Mrs. Claus, for saving her little girl.
Santa and Mrs. Claus hear her; on Christmas morning, there's an extra present for her- a Santa Christmas Stocking cap. Canyun's mother knew what that meant; every Christmas since then, she has helped out, for those who work to feed the hungry and bring joy to all.
Canyun finishes her story; to her friends wiping the tears out of their eyes ( Angie's mother's as well ).
" The Beginning. "
The girls laughed and the party started. They begin to sing Christmas Carols, play modern Christmas music, then onto a wonderful, Christmas movie. Its during the Christmas movie that Canyun suddenly slips down on Adala, her eyes out of focus, face white and still, scaring her friends silly.
- Canyun is flying, then a large, floating substance floats by
- Space is all around them
- it is huge, moving along a set orbit
- a dark green, garbed man appears holding what must be a weapon
- weapon goes off hitting the asteroid; setting it on a new orbital path
- New path is directly at Earth
- Earth collides with the asteroid- Earth explodes
- a roll back- asteroid is on its new path, but is met by a web that captures it and puts it back on its orignal orbital path
- again roll back- rock explodes when power blasts hit it, too late, Earth explodes
- rollback, Angie, fabric waving, threads band together into intricate web
all goes dark and Canyun sits up with a jerk. Her friends are around her; very scared for her.
Canyun smiles self-consciously.
" I'm sorry. I just had a terrible, or maybe, terrible vision of the Earth being destroyed, then, again, maybe not, because a beautiful patterned web, may catch the rock, and put it back, where it belongs. "
They look at her.
" What? "
Canyun tells them what she saw; her friends shake their heads in wonderment, but they believe her.
" Do you think it was a clairvoyant vision you just had? " asks Adala.
" No, its more like its coming, but hasn't happend yet, " Canyun tells them. " It feels like the asteroid will be hidden until we can't do anything about it, then this web will save us all.
" How can anythiing that big not be seen; long before it gets here? ' Satche asks.
" It's made of a material that bends light, or Spring put a liquid around it,so it won't be seen till it creates a shadow on Earth, then it will be seen, but to late to try nukes or anything on it. "
" Wacky, " says Dell. " Who is this green figured man? "
" I think he's a symbol of Earth like Santa, but he's angry, because he isn't being celebrated like Santa. " Canyun answers.
" Who could that be" " Angie asks the others.
" Spring..." Canyun crys, jumping up. " He's spring...the return of green and warmth and great family days, but we don't celebrate the coming of spring like we do Christmas, and he's fed up with it, so he's going to destroy our Earth, and design a new one, where Spring will be the most celebrated holiday of the year. "
" Kinda drastic; don't you think? " Satche asks, sarcastically.
" I'm never going to look at Spring in quite the same way, ever again, " Adala says, angrily.
" None of us will, " Angie agrees. " If we don't find an answer; we won't be around to worry about it.
The girls are silent, then go back to singing Chritmas carols, while everyone plays along, on whatever they could play.
Three days later; news broke; astronomers had seen the Asteroid heading toward Earth; it is already to close to the Earth, to be able to do anything, militarily.
The Asteroid is being covered by the news stations constantly, causing more fear, than giving people news they want to hear.
They did break the news; the Asteroid isn't coming directly here, but seems to fading out, then, reappearing, closer than it had been before. Time is quickly running out.
Mass hysteria is growing; when the President issues an order, for the news stations to end their coverage of the Asteroids, in this National Emergency. The military makes a strong front, by rushing around, as if they were doing something; crowds cheered and felt better, and the hysteria starts dying down. They aren't told the military is doing this simply to bring courage back to the people around the world. No one knows how to save the Earth.
The Doll Crew have been watching all of this on national TV; they aren't fooled by the government's attempt to lie to the public, but they see the results, so say nothing.
School is out; so kids could be home with their families. The Doll Crew do walkie talkie on their cell phones, so they could keep in contact constantly. They discuss the problem, then Canyun's dream; all think the answer lays in the vision she had.
The military, meanwhile, go to anyone who might have an answer, even the psychics, they work with, without anyone knowing about it. They all say the same thing; the world is going to be saved by five girls and a boy, with the help of Santa Claus. The military shake their head; this is no help at all.
The girls get together over at Angie's house; they're looking at some new fabric Angie has found, when she brings out some batik artwork and stoneware, she had gotten, also.
Canyun keeps looking at the batik pattern; the girls notice she's very quiet, when they piciked up on what she's doing- they fall silent, and simply watch her.
Canyun keeps looking at the pattern, letting her eyes flow over the pattern. She suddenly lets her head fall to her chest. The girls grow more silent.
Canyun is still out; Satche starts to move, but Canyun, immediately gets distressed and moves uncomfortably. Satche sits right back down; they know now, they're part of the answer, of what's going on with Canyun.
Canyun opens her eyes, and looks at her friends.
" I just saw patterns, but they don't seem to be whole; as if something's missing. "
" We know what that is? " Angie laughed.
" You do! ", Canyun crys. " What is it: "
" First, are we all here:? " Angie asks.
" All, but Danka; he'd be bored to tears looking at fabrics...." she stops. " You mean the reason the pattern wouldn't finish itself is because we aren't all here. "
" Exactly, " Adala says excitedly. " Call Danka now, and tell him to get over here. "
Satche opens her cell phone; hits speed dial, for Danka; He anwers immediately. She tells him to come over, right now- they've found out more information on the Asteroid. She hangs up.
" He's on his way. "
The girls are anxiously awaiting Danka, when the doorbell rings; Angie runs, and opens the door, dragging Danka inside, and into her sewing and fashion room.
" What's up? " Danka wants to know.
" We think we have an answer to something Canyun just saw, but it requires all the Doll Crew and their honorary Doll Crew mascot to be here, " Angie explains.
" Far out; what do we have to do? " Danka asked.
They all look at Canyun.
" I have to get more relaxed; Satche would you play some Chirstmas and Santa songs? "
Satche picks up her guitar and starts playing; Canyun and the girls watch her. Canyun seems to be memorized by her fingers. She watches them- and they blur into a white pattern, then turn into a snowy, white web, catching the Asteroid, but what is this white fabric, which is strong enough to stop an Asteroid.
The pattern of the fabric comes in closer; it looks like tough fabric- like human hair.
Human hair, Canyun mused. She suddenly jumps up; not human hair, but Santa's Beard.
" I know what we have to do; the web isn't made up of fabric, but something much stronger- Santa's Beard, " she tells them, laughing.
" How in the world are we going to get Santa Claus to shave off his beard? " Adala cried.
" We don't have to; all we have to do is send our thoughts and images to him- and he'll do the rest, " Canyun said, very sure this is the way to get the miracle needed to stop the Asteroid.
They get in a circle; each closes their eyes, each pictures and imagines what they want from Santa.
Now, they have to wait. They are sitting around, when Angie and Satche, both had the same idea, at the same time.
" Let's draw out what we want from Santa; we want to show his beard separating from the rest of the beard; coming here, and going into the web pattern we need it to be till it gets to the Asteroid. It, then, has to grow and capture it; finally, it has to sling it back to its orbital path, " Angie and Satche both explain, each supplying part of the answer, then is silent, till its time for the other to take over again, when she feels its her time to speak.
Instead of drawing it; they decided to act it out. They get in a circle; one would cross over to the one across from them; the one who stood still- held out their fingers, as if they're holding something. The one, who came across the circle, reaches out, and gets a firm grip on it, then pull it, as they walk back to their original place.
They keep doing this until the web pattern is whole; suddenly, where only air webbing is; it is filled with the beard hair of Santa. Santa's beard is glowing; above the, now, snowy web; Santa's face appears laughing. He disappears and so does the webbing.
The Asteroid is moving faster now; readying for the collison; gravity is doing its work. It is traveling faster and faster, when suddenly a web pattern suddenly surrounds it; capturing it within its webbing.
Santa's beard glows, but then becomes brillant, white light- snow light; both disappear.
Astronomers, who saw the action in their telescopes, couldn't beleive it, but the facts said a web of unknown nature had surrounded the Asteroid and had made it disappear. Plus a face had shown up, where the Asteroid had been; the face of Santa Claus. His face isn't alone, however, five more faces show, four teen girls and a teen boy.
The Astronomers tell what they saw; the news media goes crazy with this wonderous story. The government goes all out to find the teens, but has no luck. The news media doesn't have any better luck.
It is the mothers, who decide their children deserve the recognition of helping Santa Claus save the world. They contact the newsperson they know would treat the kids with respect;
Adam Skydean, broke the story of who the teens were- who had helped Santa- in saving the world. Thew were instantly famous, but they simply said it was all Santa.
Children around the world started calling them Santa's human Elfs; a surprise photograph seem to indicate Satche actually has elf ears, but she wouldn't show anyone, so no one knows, for sure.
Adults and children, now, know, Santa is real. They celebrated Christmas extra hard, but not ignoring their religions either; Santa wants everyone to share Christmas with each other, and have a special, family time, spiritually, as well.
The Doll Crew graduated high school. They all are going to the same college in Seattle, WA, but usually are found farther north, way north, most of the time. They are doing alot of independent study.
The North Pole rocked as Santas' evles, and his human elves, rocked the year away. The Doll Crew, when they're at college, and the time is nearing Christmas, sing Christmas songs, and all the students end up singing along with them. Santa's love and purity is bringing joy and happiness to everyone.
All their friends and schoolmates, swear they saw all four girls, and their male friend, with Elf ears, when they did something, which allowed others to see their ears, but when the others went up and looked at their ears, they only saw natural, human ears. That is, all except the ones who believe in Santa Claus; they saw Santa's Terran Elves.
Which would you see?
Merry Christmas
If you like this story, please send it to family, friends, neighbors, etc.; I want to see it go around the world.

Christmas Stories- 1

(c) Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

A Christmas Discovery
Terry Floyd Johnson
(c) Terry Floyd Johnson, 2006

The small plane, I mean jet, is sitting on the runway
awaiting the okay to take off. Snow is falling; it is
heavier, now, than what it had been ten minutes ago.
Its becoming more doubtful, they will be allowed to
take off.

The small jet has five passengers: Abel Blaze ( piano
accompainist who is expected to play with John Sage
for a tv special the next day, he is the oldest at 71
), Padre Iron ( Gothic Punk Entertainer and Creator,
with a mohawk haircut and dark lipstick and eyeshadow;
very near to glamor rock status as well, Spinner (
international singing star- with long blond hair,
dressed for the winter day ) Saze- Rock Diva- dressed
in miniskirt with leggings, and flaming red hair ),
Astoner ( Classical musician-composer-listener- with
black hair, with a natural streak of white hair ).

" I doubt, if we're going to be allowed to leave; the
weather has turned much worse, " Abel remarks,
directing his words at his fellow passengers; a rather
unusal group.

The others look at him with a myraid of expressions,
from pure blankness to agreement.

" Man, dig those snowflakes! I could direct them and
have a banger of a snow concert, " Padre gushed, his
eyes bright with his creative vision, of another
stupendous hit in his repetoire of hit entertainment

" I don't agree...they are too large...they would
overcome any other sound...and how would you get them
to harmonize? " Antoner says, but still looking for
ways it would work.

" Harmony..., Spinner mused. " Those snow flakes are
all two are alike....that begs the
question- is there one true tone note that encapulates
all of what they are expressing with their movements
to fall and cover the earth, the Universe and Beyond?

" A True Tone Note, so perfect, it would transform all
that comes in contact with it " Saxe responds.

" No such thing, " Padre responds firmly. " It's a
myth it doesn't exist.

" But if it did, it would be perfect- no
imperfections. What do you think it would sound like?
" Saze asks- her eyes sparkling; her eyes shining with
the idea of a quest to take and solve.

" It would be perfect with no no blemishes, " Spinner
says, weaving her words like a weaver, making a
tapestry. " A Perfect True Tone Note, sound. It would
overwhelm anyone with its beauty, and they would soon
reflect their individual expression of the True Tone
Note. It is pure, and blissful. A major Miracle. "

" That brings up an interesting point; would the one
True Tone Note, be found in all things, or is it
individual to itself? " Abel put out, to see what
answer he would hear from his plane companions.

" Good question! " Spinner clapping her hands, " Do
all things have a reflection in the True Tone Note, or
does it create its Perfectness within itself? "

" It would reflect that of being, which has form,
shape and is a living, breathing life form, " Saze
interjects, putting in her thoughts- on this more and
more exciting, subject and quest.

" But what about religions and their founders. They
are dead; or at least many of them, but to their
followers they are very much alive and the true tone
note of their teachings, " Padre adding, more
questions, to the quest.

" And what about qualities, and other verbal and
visual representation of living persons, ideas, etc.,
do they make our True Tone Note list? " Antoner asks.

" To be true of all; it would have to have a contact
with all things, not their sound, but something that
goes beyond their ability to know themselves; to build
an interactive connection, and create a true tone, not
impression of what it comes in contact with; but a
creative imprint/movement of what it contacts, in the
interactive/interaction expression of that contact, "
Abel enumerates, putting these ideas on the proverbial
table of their rightous quest.

" Yet to stay true, it cannot be of any that it
contacts, " Saze says, putting a boundary of what the
True Tone Note can and cannot be.

" I disagree," Spinner argues, " To be a True Tone
Note, anything it contacts, would already be within
it, in some way, not totally, but a reflection within
it, that when they meet will respond and resonate with
each other. It would be meeting an aspect of itself,
not necessarily itself, but a like sound, found
outside in another being, thus the sounds would
harmonize briefly, but then the other, of what the
True Tone Note is meeting- would bring it down, to its
harmony and no longer be a true reflecton of the True
Tone Note, "

" But would the True Tone Note, be a living being; or
simply a sound made by all that is coming together in
a single brief instant, then moving on, till the next
True Tone Note meeting and expression? " Padre puts

" Good question, " Antoner applaudes.

" If it is a person, then it would be Jesus, " Abel
declares solemnly.

" No way man, " Padre exclaims! " There are many
religions, philosophies, etc., as we have said; it
would have to be someone outside the spiritual
innerness of all things, but does express the best of
each within it in some way. At the same time; it is
not that which it reflects within itself, but is
unique to itself, apart from simply a cumulation of
all that is best within all things and beyonds.

It has to include all the people, plants, animlas etc.
of the earth, and beyond; it has to take into
consideration their lifestyles and what, to them, is
beauty, family, relationships, celebrations, etc., as
well as, how to give and receive....

They all stop and look at each other with wide eyes,
and together they say the most beautiful two names at
Peacemas or at any other time:

" Santa Claus! "

" Santa Claus is the True Tone Note; the perfect
blending of all things, and at the same time Unique to
himself. He represents both people and the mystical
precepts of love, sharing, caring, and spiritual
bliss, " Saze gushes, spinning her words- as if she is
spinning gold weave on a spinning wheel.

" Santa Claus, the True Tone Note, my religion would
never accept that. I am a devout religious man; I
would, and my faith would, say the true tone note
would be the Holy Spirit. "

" And other religions would have their own idea of who
or what represents the true tone note, but it would be
with secular religios boundaries and not a full
representation of all that live and are non-living, "
Padre declares, " Only Santa Claus is a true
representation of all that is the best in all things.
What a concept? "

" Santa accepts all; he is unconditional love, no
matter who you are or what you may be; he accepts you,
for he knows within you is the best of all things., "
Saze adds.

" But how do we find the Santa Claus True Tone Note
within us? " Spinner wants to know.

" We don't have to find it; it is with us, because it
is us. The Rainbow Bridge, whose colors are red, blue,
yellow, green and crystal white, a spiritual path to
love, happiness, devotion, happiness, action and

All of these are found on the Rainbow Bridge, leading
you to your spiritual fullness, wholeness and that
which is within you which reflect or builds the True
Tone Note, which is Santa Claus.

The Rainbow Bridge is mostly found at the top of the
head, our crown of not forgetting who we are and how
we are within the world as well as within our
spiritual wholeness. It is where we learn how to give
to others, and by doing so make happiness for
ourselves in the spirit of giving, " Astoner says,
creating a wonderous visual and verbal experience.

" But Santa Claus doesn't exist, " Padre protests. "
How can a real True Tone Note, be a fictional
character. "

" Obviously, Santa Claus is real, not only in that he
brings out the Santa in each of us, for each other,
and our giving and loving our children at this special
time of the year, and the whole year long, but he is
the True Tone Note, which makes Christmas-Peacemas-
Xmas the beautiful experience it is each year, "
Spinner says, lovingly.

" This is Santa's gift to all of us; the whole year
round, the spirit of loving, the spirit of giving and
the spirit of caring for all, especially our family
and friends, even if we are estranged from them. At
Christmas, or Peacemas, it is the experience to come
back together once again, " Saze sums up nicely.

" It is the reason he comes only when we are sleeping;
it is the time we relzx, and open our minds and our
hopes to tha beauty within and outside of us, " Atoner

Everyone grows queist; their eyes close naturally; and
they relax quitely. Suddenly in each of their minds
the colors of red, yellow, blue, green and crystal
white are alive and dancing like sugar cookies in
their heads, followed by a scene of the most beautiful
living room decorated for Christmas, with tree,
ornaments and cookies everywhere. Happiness is coming
from every object in the room.

They all open their eyes at the same moment; and the
interior of the plane is now decorated with Christmas
ornaments, tensil; love and happiness abounds.

They look at each other; and together they say:

" Santa Claus- the True Tone Note of Good Cheer, and
Happy Tidings , packaged in Unconditional Love! "

Their jet starts to move; taxiing back to the airport;
no travel tonight.

The End

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