Friday, October 30, 2009

Christmas Stories- 1

(c) Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

A Christmas Discovery
Terry Floyd Johnson
(c) Terry Floyd Johnson, 2006

The small plane, I mean jet, is sitting on the runway
awaiting the okay to take off. Snow is falling; it is
heavier, now, than what it had been ten minutes ago.
Its becoming more doubtful, they will be allowed to
take off.

The small jet has five passengers: Abel Blaze ( piano
accompainist who is expected to play with John Sage
for a tv special the next day, he is the oldest at 71
), Padre Iron ( Gothic Punk Entertainer and Creator,
with a mohawk haircut and dark lipstick and eyeshadow;
very near to glamor rock status as well, Spinner (
international singing star- with long blond hair,
dressed for the winter day ) Saze- Rock Diva- dressed
in miniskirt with leggings, and flaming red hair ),
Astoner ( Classical musician-composer-listener- with
black hair, with a natural streak of white hair ).

" I doubt, if we're going to be allowed to leave; the
weather has turned much worse, " Abel remarks,
directing his words at his fellow passengers; a rather
unusal group.

The others look at him with a myraid of expressions,
from pure blankness to agreement.

" Man, dig those snowflakes! I could direct them and
have a banger of a snow concert, " Padre gushed, his
eyes bright with his creative vision, of another
stupendous hit in his repetoire of hit entertainment

" I don't agree...they are too large...they would
overcome any other sound...and how would you get them
to harmonize? " Antoner says, but still looking for
ways it would work.

" Harmony..., Spinner mused. " Those snow flakes are
all two are alike....that begs the
question- is there one true tone note that encapulates
all of what they are expressing with their movements
to fall and cover the earth, the Universe and Beyond?

" A True Tone Note, so perfect, it would transform all
that comes in contact with it " Saxe responds.

" No such thing, " Padre responds firmly. " It's a
myth it doesn't exist.

" But if it did, it would be perfect- no
imperfections. What do you think it would sound like?
" Saze asks- her eyes sparkling; her eyes shining with
the idea of a quest to take and solve.

" It would be perfect with no no blemishes, " Spinner
says, weaving her words like a weaver, making a
tapestry. " A Perfect True Tone Note, sound. It would
overwhelm anyone with its beauty, and they would soon
reflect their individual expression of the True Tone
Note. It is pure, and blissful. A major Miracle. "

" That brings up an interesting point; would the one
True Tone Note, be found in all things, or is it
individual to itself? " Abel put out, to see what
answer he would hear from his plane companions.

" Good question! " Spinner clapping her hands, " Do
all things have a reflection in the True Tone Note, or
does it create its Perfectness within itself? "

" It would reflect that of being, which has form,
shape and is a living, breathing life form, " Saze
interjects, putting in her thoughts- on this more and
more exciting, subject and quest.

" But what about religions and their founders. They
are dead; or at least many of them, but to their
followers they are very much alive and the true tone
note of their teachings, " Padre adding, more
questions, to the quest.

" And what about qualities, and other verbal and
visual representation of living persons, ideas, etc.,
do they make our True Tone Note list? " Antoner asks.

" To be true of all; it would have to have a contact
with all things, not their sound, but something that
goes beyond their ability to know themselves; to build
an interactive connection, and create a true tone, not
impression of what it comes in contact with; but a
creative imprint/movement of what it contacts, in the
interactive/interaction expression of that contact, "
Abel enumerates, putting these ideas on the proverbial
table of their rightous quest.

" Yet to stay true, it cannot be of any that it
contacts, " Saze says, putting a boundary of what the
True Tone Note can and cannot be.

" I disagree," Spinner argues, " To be a True Tone
Note, anything it contacts, would already be within
it, in some way, not totally, but a reflection within
it, that when they meet will respond and resonate with
each other. It would be meeting an aspect of itself,
not necessarily itself, but a like sound, found
outside in another being, thus the sounds would
harmonize briefly, but then the other, of what the
True Tone Note is meeting- would bring it down, to its
harmony and no longer be a true reflecton of the True
Tone Note, "

" But would the True Tone Note, be a living being; or
simply a sound made by all that is coming together in
a single brief instant, then moving on, till the next
True Tone Note meeting and expression? " Padre puts

" Good question, " Antoner applaudes.

" If it is a person, then it would be Jesus, " Abel
declares solemnly.

" No way man, " Padre exclaims! " There are many
religions, philosophies, etc., as we have said; it
would have to be someone outside the spiritual
innerness of all things, but does express the best of
each within it in some way. At the same time; it is
not that which it reflects within itself, but is
unique to itself, apart from simply a cumulation of
all that is best within all things and beyonds.

It has to include all the people, plants, animlas etc.
of the earth, and beyond; it has to take into
consideration their lifestyles and what, to them, is
beauty, family, relationships, celebrations, etc., as
well as, how to give and receive....

They all stop and look at each other with wide eyes,
and together they say the most beautiful two names at
Peacemas or at any other time:

" Santa Claus! "

" Santa Claus is the True Tone Note; the perfect
blending of all things, and at the same time Unique to
himself. He represents both people and the mystical
precepts of love, sharing, caring, and spiritual
bliss, " Saze gushes, spinning her words- as if she is
spinning gold weave on a spinning wheel.

" Santa Claus, the True Tone Note, my religion would
never accept that. I am a devout religious man; I
would, and my faith would, say the true tone note
would be the Holy Spirit. "

" And other religions would have their own idea of who
or what represents the true tone note, but it would be
with secular religios boundaries and not a full
representation of all that live and are non-living, "
Padre declares, " Only Santa Claus is a true
representation of all that is the best in all things.
What a concept? "

" Santa accepts all; he is unconditional love, no
matter who you are or what you may be; he accepts you,
for he knows within you is the best of all things., "
Saze adds.

" But how do we find the Santa Claus True Tone Note
within us? " Spinner wants to know.

" We don't have to find it; it is with us, because it
is us. The Rainbow Bridge, whose colors are red, blue,
yellow, green and crystal white, a spiritual path to
love, happiness, devotion, happiness, action and

All of these are found on the Rainbow Bridge, leading
you to your spiritual fullness, wholeness and that
which is within you which reflect or builds the True
Tone Note, which is Santa Claus.

The Rainbow Bridge is mostly found at the top of the
head, our crown of not forgetting who we are and how
we are within the world as well as within our
spiritual wholeness. It is where we learn how to give
to others, and by doing so make happiness for
ourselves in the spirit of giving, " Astoner says,
creating a wonderous visual and verbal experience.

" But Santa Claus doesn't exist, " Padre protests. "
How can a real True Tone Note, be a fictional
character. "

" Obviously, Santa Claus is real, not only in that he
brings out the Santa in each of us, for each other,
and our giving and loving our children at this special
time of the year, and the whole year long, but he is
the True Tone Note, which makes Christmas-Peacemas-
Xmas the beautiful experience it is each year, "
Spinner says, lovingly.

" This is Santa's gift to all of us; the whole year
round, the spirit of loving, the spirit of giving and
the spirit of caring for all, especially our family
and friends, even if we are estranged from them. At
Christmas, or Peacemas, it is the experience to come
back together once again, " Saze sums up nicely.

" It is the reason he comes only when we are sleeping;
it is the time we relzx, and open our minds and our
hopes to tha beauty within and outside of us, " Atoner

Everyone grows queist; their eyes close naturally; and
they relax quitely. Suddenly in each of their minds
the colors of red, yellow, blue, green and crystal
white are alive and dancing like sugar cookies in
their heads, followed by a scene of the most beautiful
living room decorated for Christmas, with tree,
ornaments and cookies everywhere. Happiness is coming
from every object in the room.

They all open their eyes at the same moment; and the
interior of the plane is now decorated with Christmas
ornaments, tensil; love and happiness abounds.

They look at each other; and together they say:

" Santa Claus- the True Tone Note of Good Cheer, and
Happy Tidings , packaged in Unconditional Love! "

Their jet starts to move; taxiing back to the airport;
no travel tonight.

The End

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