Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Transmutation Christmas

(c) Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

Planet Earth....a multicolored beam is beaming into the Earth, drilling its way toward the central point...the singularity, which created this planet, and maintains its resources. The colored beam drills relentlessly toward its objective.

Andy and Melissa Dowry are both archeologists; they have been working this remote, and isolate area, in the Himilayans, for almost two weeks. They are seeking the outpost of the star race, known only as the Servo-Protectors, a name only found on certain cave walls, in small countries, around the world.

Andy and Melissa have been studying these symbols on walls for a year...they feel they have decipered the messages, and all say the oupost of the Servo-Protectors is to be found in the Himilayas, at or near, the spot they're at, at this moment.

The symbols told other stories to, like the enemies of the Servo-Protectors were the: 1. Assassins of the Soul- a paranormal group, who used all kinds of mental, psychic methods to accomplish their goals, 2. The Ninja, the silent assassins, all three groups have not been seen, but Andy and Melissa were under no illusion...hidden sects...were likely still they had to be careful in their search. Besides, as the Servo-Protectors were Guardians of the Light; these other two were emissaries of the Dark. Both returned, when the events led to their being able to step back into this timeline.

At this moment, Andy and Melissa are walking down a caveway; they had found the day before...leading to the Servo-Protector Outpost, hopefully. Out of the silence, except for their walking, one of the walkie talkies goes off, and in front of them, a wall gives away, staring them in the face, is a unique outpost, but whether its the Servo-Protector, is still to be determined. They walk into the huge space holding the outpost.

They are nearing the buildings, when they run into a force field; they reach out to touch it- and are trapped. They struggle to break free, without luck.

A millenium in the past, Syrno watches, as the two archeologoists reach out and touch the force field, then not being able to break free; he smiles, when the time is ripe, for finding heroes, they're always found...he turns on the Mutator. Instantly, Andy and Melissa are unconscious, and stay that way for seven days, as the outpost, transforms them into the new race...the Servo-Proctectors. They get all the Servo-Protectors before them knew, used, and created, with critical thinking, and vast creative intellect added to expand their own.

The seventh day find them feeding on longer needing food... they are as fresh and healthy as they had been, when they began the process, but much more so...they were disease free; their bodyminds were supple energy flows, with no one energy as their common race, but they simply adapted to the planet they're on, whatever shape that might happen to be.

The Mutator shuts down; the force field lets them go, they fall, but are caught up in a bubble energy, for the next three days, they're fed vast amounts of knowledge, that is instantly, made into spirit and memory, their intelligence, creative, work ability, sensory talents, abilities and skills are supersized.

The third day, the bubble comes to the ground, having been hovering above it, all this time; they themselves have been pure energy, sets them down gently, then disappears. their naked feet touch the earth, and with white light, they take on human bodies, with proper clothing encasing them.

They open their eyes...pure white, it goes to gold, then to green. They are totally human, once again.

They look at each other, then race toward the central building of the outpost...they go up to the communication center, and turn on the sphere broadcasting energy shaper. Instantly, they are wherever there is a human....They bypass speech...each human, on the earth, hears their telepathic message:

" The Earth is going to attacked and destroyed in 24 hours...all life forms on the planet will be shaped to a new planet, for a waiting area, till the planet is saved...before the humans and all other life forms could digest this information, they're gone...and reappear in vast biospheres, which instantly freezes them. All life forms of Earth, are now frozen, and waiting for the Servo- Protectors, to bring them back to Earth.

It is Christmas Eve...the multi-colored beam hits toward the singularity of the Earth, only to rebound, stopped from being able to finish its program.

On Mars, The Assassins of the Soul, ready for their nemesis, for it's only they, who could have stopped their beam. It isn't a long wait.

The Twins appear in the biosphere of the Assassins of the Soul, who immediately use both weaponry and telepathic attack, to launch a full scale battle, to kill these old enemies.

Andy takes the weaponry, and Melissa takes the telepaths; Andy disintegrates all the weaponry, and then shields himself, from the old weaponry, knocking out the warriors using them.

Melissa puts a shield around herself, then counters the telepathic attack, waiting for the right comes soon, the telepaths seeing they're not able to penetrate her shield, come together and form a one mind battleforge; they turn to strike, but don't get the chance. Melissa strikes, because of the Assassins group think and do, their power is cut more than half; she takes them all out, instantly. They fall to the ground.

Andy and Melissa come back together; look at all the assassins, and they're gone. They disappear, and the biosphere disappears as well.

Andy and Melissa reappear in the outpost; they raise themselves off the Earth, becoming pure, flowing energies; they reach out and all the life forms of Earth are back to where they were, with one big difference, the Earth is no longer a free planet. It will, with the help of the Servo-Protectors, negotiate what can and be done, to its resources.

It is a true Christmas, for the life of Earth, and the Planet Earth...a new day arising.

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